Somatic Bodywork

Soma­tic Body­work (with Pant­arei Approach)

Soma­tic prac­ti­ces offer a holi­stic approach to self-dis­co­very, heal­ing, and per­so­nal growth by empha­si­zing the inte­gra­ti­on of the mind and body in the pur­su­it of over­all well-being.

What to expect?

We initia­te our inter­ac­tion through ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and sub­se­quent­ly incor­po­ra­te
breath and the body’s expres­si­on through touch.

Enga­ging your body in our dia­lo­gue enables a more pro­found com­pre­hen­si­on of your iden­ti­ty faci­li­ta­ting the con­nec­tion of the cogni­ti­ve pro­ces­ses to the embo­di­ed emo­ti­ons.

We crea­te a safe frame­work for expe­ri­en­cing both sup­pres­sed and released emo­ti­ons and
ener­gies, fos­te­ring deep intro­s­pec­tion and pro­vi­ding new per­spec­ti­ves.

Why Pantarei Approach?

Pant­arei Approach invol­ves body, soul, mind, emo­ti­ons, back­ground, dreams and future. The
pur­po­se is to embo­dy your true authen­tic self. The focus is on con­nec­ting with resour­ces we
alre­a­dy have in ours­elf. Thus, the intent is never ‘fixing’ but rather, explo­ring, con­nec­ting and


In each ses­si­on we work tog­e­ther as part­ners whe­re I will assist you in expres­sing into your
uni­que expe­ri­ence.

  • You can book a 20 min video call whe­re we can meet and see if this prac­ti­ce fits to you.
    Here you can find the slot.
  • First ses­si­on lasts bet­ween one and one and a half hours, regu­lar ses­si­on one hour. Each
    ses­si­on beg­ins with a con­ver­sa­ti­on about your cur­rent situa­ti­on and how you are fee­ling
    phy­si­cal­ly and emo­tio­nal­ly.
  • We then tran­si­ti­on on the mas­sa­ge table whe­re we may move from sit­ting to lying or even
    stan­ding, all while attu­ning to your per­so­nal rythm and pur­suing the inten­ti­ons we have

Good to know

The Pant­arei Approach is not inten­ded as a medi­cal the­ra­py and should not be used as a
sub­sti­tu­te for neces­sa­ry medi­cal tre­at­ment.

I do not pro­vi­de medi­cal dia­gno­ses or tre­at­ments for phy­si­cal or psych­ia­tric con­di­ti­ons.

My work does not aim to replace pro­fes­sio­nal gui­dance, and it does not make any pro­mi­ses of heal­ing, phy­si­cal and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal.

It is not a mas­sa­ge or a well­ness prac­ti­ce. The cli­ent is part­ner with the prac­ti­tio­ner in every
ses­si­on to work tog­e­ther in explo­ring the client’s uni­que­ness and resour­ces.

Hope to meet you soon 🙂

Pri­ces bet­ween 65–75 € (if this is out­side your capa­ci­ty you can email me).


Coming from a back­ground in glo­bal stu­dies, I beca­me a soma­tic prac­ti­tio­ner fol­lo­wing
my aca­de­mic focus on heal­ing and social jus­ti­ce.

With my work, I want to con­tri­bu­te in crea­ting a safe space whe­re we can be
vul­nerable, con­nec­ting with our bodies and intui­ti­ons and giving lis­tening and space to
any kind of emo­ti­ons.

By set­ting inten­ti­ons and working tog­e­ther, we can release sup­pres­sed emo­ti­ons,
embra­cing your uni­que resour­ces and allo­wing chan­ge to hap­pen. I can’t wait to meet
you! Emo­tio­nen los­las­sen und dadurch unse­re ein­zig­ar­ti­gen Res­sour­cen umar­men und Ver­än­de­run­gen zulas­sen. Ich kann es kaum erwar­ten dich zu tref­fen

Do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act for any ques­ti­on.

Ins­ta: @maabico

Pri­ces lis­ted are per tre­at­ment.

Soma­tic Body­work First Ses­si­on
70 € 90 min

The cour­se is taught in Eng­lish!

Soma­tic Body­work
70 € 60 min

The cour­se is taught in Eng­lish!



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