Dynamic Mindfulness

Dynamic Mindfulness Pre- & Postnatal Yoga

In Dyna­mic Mindful­ness we work with the body as it is. It is a con­tem­po­ra­ry approach to yoga, roo­ted in Zen-Bud­dhist Phi­lo­so­phy and infor­med by move­ment sci­ence. It was foun­ded and crea­ted by Tat­ja­na Mesar in 2010 in Ber­lin.

In our clas­ses we sof­ten, wave, boun­ce, roll and move away from stri­ving for an ide­al form toward sens­ing how the move­ment feels from the insi­de. You will find ele­ments of other tra­di­tio­nal approa­ches (Hatha, Ash­tan­ga, Vin­ya­sa) to “body pos­tu­re” but not through linea­ri­ty and strict­ness. Ins­tead the­re is room for play, and self-paced explo­ra­ti­on of the body in all direc­tions. Through regu­lar prac­ti­ce you will learn to pay atten­ti­on to body and breath in move­ment as well as in still­ness, and gain both strength and mobi­li­ty.

In the Dyna­mic Mindful­ness com­mu­ni­ty ever­y­bo­dy is wel­co­me and nobo­dy is being jud­ged. We tre­at ever­yo­ne with love and respect. All body shapes, all sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­ons and all abili­ties are wel­co­me! Come as you are, learn about Dyna­mic Mindful­ness yoga and take the bene­fits of the prac­ti­ce into your ever­y­day life!

Only up to 8 spots available


Calm & Strong – Pregnan­cy Yoga with Katya
13:30 (60 min)

Pre­na­tal yoga is more than adap­ting poses to the pregnant body and has a lot of bene­fits for this peri­od. Mindful prac­ti­ce allows you to take time and con­nect with your baby and with your chan­ging body. Phy­si­cal­ly, it helps to crea­te more space for the breath, release ten­si­ons and back pains, and to gain strength and mobi­li­ty in the body. Regu­lar prac­ti­ce will help you to deve­lop inner strength and prepa­re your body and mind for the birth.

In this 60 minu­tes pre­na­tal yoga class we will move mindful­ly through flowing sequen­ces careful­ly desi­gned to deepen self-awa­re­ness and deve­lop strength, fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and balan­ce to sup­port your phy­si­cal and emo­tio­nal well-being during pregnan­cy. Each class ends with soot­hing rela­xa­ti­on and/or gui­ded medi­ta­ti­on.

This prac­ti­ce is safe and bene­fi­ci­al for all stages of pregnan­cy until birth. Howe­ver, I recom­mend coming to the group class after the first 8 weeks. If you want to join ear­lier, plea­se cont­act me befo­re the class.

Bring com­for­ta­ble clo­thes. The neces­sa­ry props will be available for use in the stu­dio. Feel free to bring your own, if you pre­fer. Plea­se arri­ve 10–15 minu­tes befo­re start­ing time so that we can start on time.

Regis­tra­ti­on via email: thisisthatyoga@gmail.com

Every second Saturday of the month

Let’s Just Walk — Gui­ded Wal­king Medi­ta­ti­on in Ber­lin

Tri­al 4 Clas­ses Pass
40 € (valid for 6 weeks)
Drop-in Class
15 €
5 Clas­ses Com­mit Pas
70 € (valid for 2 months)
10 Clas­ses Com­mit Pass
130 € (valid for 6 months)
Katya Abramkina


Katya is a cer­ti­fied Dyna­mic Mindful­ness, pre- and post­na­tal Yoga Tea­cher & Full Spec­trum Dou­la based in Ber­lin. Her con­scious yoga prac­ti­ce began with Iyen­gar yoga in 2012. Loo­king for more free­dom in her yoga prac­ti­ce she star­ted to move away from line­ar move­ments and guru based tra­di­ti­on, which brought her to Dyna­mic Mindful­ness School in Ber­lin.

She lives in Ber­lin sin­ce 2014. Gro­wing up with her five-year-old child. Bes­i­des yoga and mindful­ness she has a pas­si­on for pho­to­gra­phy as she stu­di­ed visu­al arts and work­ed as a visu­al edi­tor and pho­to­grapher.

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on & Edu­ca­ti­on

Cont­act: thisisthatyoga@gmail.com

More about Katya



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