Let’s Just Walk

Gui­ded Wal­king Medi­ta­ti­on in Ber­lin

«If you miss the here, you are likely also to miss the the­re»
— Jon Kabat-Zinn

Hello & Welcome

We are very hap­py that you are here and that you are con­side­ring joi­ning us for our the wal­king medi­ta­ti­on.

This time we will walk through the Park am Gleis­drei­eck and do our best to stay in the pre­sent moment insi­de the urban atmo­sphe­re of the Ber­lin city natu­re. We slow down, bring our awa­re­ness to the pre­sent moment, pay atten­ti­on to the breath and tog­e­ther enjoy the expe­ri­ence of just wal­king.

As we are orga­ni­zing this walk in coope­ra­ti­on with the Honig­see­le Stu­dio, we also pre­pared seve­ral indoor prac­ti­ces, inclu­ding mindful move­ment and slow wal­king medi­ta­ti­on. We clo­se this event with a gui­ded sit­ting medi­ta­ti­on and a sha­ring cir­cle. The­re will be tea and snacks pro­vi­ded.

What is Mindfulness? And why walking meditation?

Mindful­ness, roo­ted in anci­ent con­tem­pla­ti­ve tra­di­ti­ons such as Bud­dhist medi­ta­ti­on, embo­dies a sta­te of clear, sta­ble, and non-judgmen­tal awa­re­ness. While it forms the heart of Bud­dhist medi­ta­ti­on, in recent deca­des, modern sci­ence has embra­ced mindful­ness for its pro­ven effi­ca­cy in brin­ging calm and cla­ri­ty to the pres­su­res of ever­y­day life.
Our mind has a habit of rus­hing. We tend to lea­ve the pre­sent moment, hur­ry­ing towards the future, some­ti­mes towards the past. Howe­ver, in order for us to crea­te a joyful and libe­ra­ted future, we need to learn how to take care of the pre­sent moment and how to app­re­cia­te the well-being that is alre­a­dy the­re. The­r­e­fo­re, we enga­ge in a prac­ti­ce of mindful­ness. Through this prac­ti­ce, we dis­co­ver how to come back to the pre­sent moment. Wal­king Medi­ta­ti­on is a gre­at and beau­tiful way to do it. How often are you pre­sent while wal­king some­whe­re? When we walk mindful­ly, every step brings us to the here and now. We are wal­king, but we’re alre­a­dy the­re whe­re we need to be. The­re is no need to rush.

Our inten­ti­on is to intro­du­ce the prac­ti­ce of mindful­ness in a gent­le, acces­si­ble, and joyful man­ner. In this 2,5 hours work­shop we will share with you dif­fe­rent tools of prac­ti­cing mindful­ness in wal­king, move­ment and in still­ness which you can use in your ever­y­day life.

The workshop is for you if:

  • You want to learn about mindful­ness & medi­ta­ti­on in an acces­si­ble and beg­in­ner fri­end­ly man­ner
  •  You alre­a­dy prac­ti­ce medi­ta­ti­on and want to refresh your per­so­nal prac­ti­ce
  •  You are loo­king to deepen the fee­ling of being pre­sent
  • You like the idea of medi­ta­ti­on but feel like start­ing to sit on a cushion is a big step
  • You would like to learn how to app­re­cia­te well-being and how to take care of the pre­sent moment

Good to know:

We meet in front of Honig­see­le: Horn­stra­ße 1 10963 Ber­lin. Plea­se be on time so that we can start on time. We will be the­re at 15:45 and at 16:00 we start our walk towards Gleis­drei­eck Park fol­lo­wing our pre-plan­ned rou­te. Upon our return to the stu­dio, our mindful­ness prac­ti­ce con­ti­nues indoors.

Come as you are. Ever­y­bo­dy is wel­co­me and nobo­dy is being jud­ged.

Book your sport soon. The­re is limi­t­ed space!
We look for­ward to just walk with you.

Katya & Rijk

New date will be announ­ced soon

Honig­see­le — Horn­stra­ße 1, 10963 Ber­lin

Regu­lar ticket
45 €
Tea­cher sup­port­er ticket
50 €
Katya Abramkina


Katya is a cer­ti­fied Dyna­mic Mindful­ness, pre- and post­na­tal Yoga Tea­cher. Her con­scious yoga prac­ti­ce began with Iyen­gar yoga in 2012. She has been living in Ber­lin sin­ce 2014. Loo­king for more free­dom in her yoga prac­ti­ce she star­ted to move away from line­ar move­ments and guru based tra­di­ti­on, which brought her to Dyna­mic Mindful­ness School in Ber­lin. In 2021, she finis­hed Foun­da­tio­nal Dyna­mic Mindful­ness Tea­cher Trai­ning with Tat­ja­na Mesar.

Later on, she com­ple­ted a Sacred Birth Pre­na­tal Yoga & Dou­la Trai­ning and Post­na­tal Yoga Tea­cher Trai­ning at Awa­ken­ed Spi­rit Yoga with Julia Forest, Ste­fa­nie Antu­nes and Ale­xa Rit­ti­chier.

She con­ti­nues her edu­ca­ti­on with Tat­ja­na. Gro­wing up with her four-year-old child. Bes­i­des yoga and mindful­ness she has a pas­si­on for pho­to­gra­phy as she stu­di­ed visu­al arts and work­ed as a visu­al edi­tor and pho­to­grapher.

More about Katya



It was curio­si­ty that brought Rijk in cont­act with phy­si­cal yoga prac­ti­ce back in 2012. After years of exten­si­ve Vin­ya­sa and Ash­tan­ga prac­ti­ce in Ams­ter­dam he moved to Ber­lin whe­re he began to feel dis­con­nec­ted with the strict approa­ches to move­ment and the way tea­chings were chan­ne­led.

Curio­si­ty again led him to the Dyna­mic Mindful­ness school whe­re in 2021 he finis­hed the Foun­da­tio­nal Tea­cher Trai­ning with Tat­ja­na Mesar . In trai­ning he lear­ned that befri­en­ding the body, invi­ting ‘play’ in move­ment and sim­ply pay­ing atten­ti­on to ari­sing sen­sa­ti­ons within the body allow for a sus­tainable & joyful prac­ti­ce.

He con­ti­nues his edu­ca­ti­on with Tat­ja­na. When he is not tea­ching or prac­ti­cing you will find him stu­dy­ing the body in the realms of bio­me­cha­nics and ana­to­my, wal­king and occa­sio­nal­ly you will find him doing not­hing, just sit­ting. As a trai­ned com­po­ser for elec­tro­nic music, Rijk is intrigued by the sonic land­scape. As a move­ment and medi­ta­ti­on tea­cher he is intrigued by the body and its inner land­scape.

More about Rijk



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