Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga

Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga

Mindful move­ment and sup­port for every stage of pregnan­cy and bey­ond, gui­ded by a cer­ti­fied Dyna­mic Mindful­ness Yoga Tea­cher and Full Spec­trum Dou­la.

Pregnan­cy, birth, and paren­thood res­ha­pe your life in many ways. The­se clas­ses are here to sup­port you at every step, com­bi­ning gent­le, effec­ti­ve move­ment, mindful breathing, and medi­ta­ti­on. Whe­ther you’re pre­pa­ring for birth, reco­ve­ring post­par­tum, or adjus­ting to paren­thood, this is your space to recon­nect with your body, find balan­ce, and crea­te moments of calm.


Calm & Strong – Pregnancy Yoga

Sun­day 13:30–14:30 (60 min)

  • Focus: Sup­port your body and mind throug­hout pregnan­cy and prepa­re for child­birth with mindful move­ment, breathing prac­ti­ces, and medi­ta­ti­on. The­se clas­ses are desi­gned to meet the phy­si­cal and emo­tio­nal chan­ges of pregnan­cy while fos­te­ring a deep con­nec­tion with your baby.
  • Desi­gned For: Anyo­ne expec­ting a baby, whe­ther you’­re new to yoga or expe­ri­en­ced. This prac­ti­ce is safe and bene­fi­ci­al throug­hout pregnan­cy, howe­ver I recom­mend joi­ning group clas­ses after the first 8 weeks. If you’d like to start soo­ner, plea­se cont­act me before­hand.
  • Bene­fits:
    • Build strength and endu­rance to sup­port your chan­ging body.
    • Reli­e­ve ten­si­on in the lower back, hips, should­ers, and neck.
    • Impro­ve pos­tu­re and sta­bi­li­ty with gent­le pel­vic flo­or and core work.
    • Cul­ti­va­te calm and focus with rela­xa­ti­on and breathing tech­ni­ques, hel­pful for labor and bey­ond.
  • Class Atmo­sphe­re: Small groups crea­te a sup­port­i­ve and inclu­si­ve space whe­re all pregnan­cy jour­neys are wel­co­me.
  • What to Bring: All props, inclu­ding mats and blocks, are pro­vi­ded. Feel free to bring your own for extra com­fort.

The Newborn Parenthood Yoga

8‑week cour­se, start­ing Janu­ary 2025

Taking Care of Yours­elf While You Take Care of Your Baby

  • Focus: This cour­se sup­ports new par­ents through the phy­si­cal and emo­tio­nal tran­si­ti­ons of ear­ly paren­thood. Through mindful move­ment and rela­xa­ti­on, it empha­si­zes heal­ing, con­nec­tion, and self-care, hel­ping you find balan­ce during this trans­for­ma­ti­ve pha­se.
  • Desi­gned For:
    • Birth par­ents 6+ weeks post­par­tum (vagi­nal birth) or 8+ weeks (C‑section) with doc­tor cle­arance.
    • All par­ents, regard­less of how you wel­co­med your baby into your life.
  • What You’ll Expe­ri­ence:
    • Gent­le move­ment to aid post­par­tum reco­very and streng­then the core, pel­vic flo­or, and sta­bi­li­sing mus­cles.
    • Tech­ni­ques to release ten­si­on in the should­ers, neck, and back—common are­as of strain from caring for babies.
    • Breathing and rela­xa­ti­on prac­ti­ces to res­to­re calm and rech­ar­ge your ener­gy.
    • A sup­port­i­ve space to nur­tu­re self-care and con­nec­tion.
  • Prac­ti­cal Infor­ma­ti­on:
    • Wear com­for­ta­ble clot­hing. Mats and props are pro­vi­ded, or bring your own if you pre­fer.
    • You’re wel­co­me to join with your baby or come solo. This class warm­ly wel­co­mes babies until they start to crawl.
  • Class Atmo­sphe­re:
    • Small groups (up to 6 spots) fos­ter con­nec­tion and shared sup­port.
    • Open Door Poli­cy: Life with a new­born is unpredictable—there’s no pres­su­re in this class if you arri­ve late or can only par­ti­ci­pa­te in the final rela­xa­ti­on. I’m here to sup­port you in every step of your jour­ney, crea­ting a safe space whe­re you can be yours­elf.
Tri­al 4 Clas­ses Pass
40 € (valid for 6 weeks)
Drop-in Class
15 €
5 Clas­ses Com­mit Pas
70 € (valid for 2 months)
10 Clas­ses Com­mit Pass
130 € (valid for 6 months)
The New­born Paren­thood Yoga
From 160 € (valid for 8 weeks)
Cour­se of 8 ses­si­ons (60 to 75 minu­tes each)
Katya Abramkina

this is that yoga & doula care

Katya Abramki­na (she/her) is a cer­ti­fied Dyna­mic Mindful­ness Yoga Tea­cher and Full Spec­trum Dou­la based in Ber­lin. With over a deca­de of expe­ri­ence in yoga and a deep com­mit­ment to sup­port­ing par­ents, she brings mindful­ness, move­ment sci­ence, and com­pas­sio­na­te care into every class. Her approach is inclu­si­ve, acces­si­ble, and tail­o­red to your uni­que jour­ney.

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on & Edu­ca­ti­on

More about Katya



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